Koprollen in de lucht
Children’s Book - Fullcolor illustrations
Written by Danielle Ruwaard-Egstorf ( jellekindercoaching.nl)
Publishing date: December 2023
In 'Somersaults in the Air' we meet Jelle, a bird of paradise who is born perfectly equipped with all the necessities to shine in life. But he grows up and he begins to see himself as a bird with shortages, which reflects through his feathers. He struggles with fear of failure and is constantly seeking recognition in bird school. He forgets he has nature's most beautiful feathers of his own!

The Spiritual Dog Mom
Bookcover Design & Inside Illustrations
Written by Nadieh Cuijten ( www.thespiritualdogmom.nl )
Published by Bloemendal Publishers
A beautiful spiritual book for dogs and the women who guide them. Packed with insightful tips and practical & spiritual rituals. To make the harmony between animal and human balanced.

Manifesteren Kun je Leren
Bookcover Design, Illustrations and Lay-Out Design
This 255 page book is full with spiritual knowledge explained in a very sober way, teaching you how to manifest your dream life and how basic manifestation works.
I have designed the front- and back cover, illustrated 10 unique chapter openings and designed the complete lay-out of the book including the fonts and illustrations of smaller graphics throughout.
written by Willemijn Welten
published by Uniekboek uitgeverij Het Spectrum

Manifestatie Dagboek
Cover- and Inside design
In April 2022 the journal “Manifestatie Dagboek” came out. Inside you will find daily journaling pages and lots of illustrations with inspiring quotes. A very exciting project to work on since it required a lot of my creativity, managing the balance between the journaling pages, drawing up the quotes and chapter openings. The whole lay-out is designed by me.
written by Willemijn Welten
published by Paperlife

Wonderen Manifesteren
Cover- and Inside design
Published in October 2022 is the third book by Willemijn Welten. Based on “a course in miracles” the author dives into the concept of the journey from fear to love and how to apply this to your daily life.
I was happy to work on this project as its very close to my heart. I created a warm cover, with a flower opening up to the universe. Alongside the cover I also created the whole lay-out and illustrations for each chapter opening and throughout the book.
written by Willemijn Welten
published by Uniekboek uitgeverij Het Spectrum

Book cover “Une turbulence dans la valise” - Deborah Porret
When Swiss French Deborah Porret reached out to me when she had written her novel and needed a cover illustration we had a quick brainstorm. It soon became clear to me that the cover needed some elegance and an introduction to the story. I illustrated this globe trotter female character for her who is always on the go, well dressed & on her way to take another plane. The title “Turbulence in the suitcase” was a great inspiration for the back cover of the book which features a suitcase.
I chose for bright contrasting colors to make the cover stand out from other competitors in its category, these colors also make a fresh and elegant combination.